Thursday, June 19, 2008

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165) FRAM



168) HSPA


































Vision System for Robotics


Vision is the most valuable sense that the automation posses because the information that it contains is extremely rich and this is achieved without the need of physical contact. The image extracted from the analog world is digitalized by using camera, the ‘eye’ of the robot, which is analyzed by the processor for the implementation of automation system. The whole process is synchronized.

The initial process of recognition is the segmentation, where the acquired image is ‘broken up’ into segments, as a part of edge detection. The final identified pixel is assigned co-ordinates and which is the input to the manipulator or the robot. In industrial view point, any machine vision system contributes to the efficiency of production, inspection or test function.

Morphological processing is efficient for the well fare of robotic in the highly competitive world of automation which provides a flexible programmability so that by using senses, which can perceive changes to the product to its environment and react accordingly thus vision system plays an important role in automation and control for robotic systems.



In wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes gather data autonomously and network passes this data to one or more base stations, which forward this data to a sensor network server (SNS). Wireless distributed microsensor systems will enable fault tolerant monitoring and control of a variety of applications. Due to the large number of microsensor nodes that may be deployed and the long required system lifetimes, replacing the battery is not an option. Sensor systems must utilize the minimal possible energy while operating over a wide range of operating scenarios. This paper presents an overview of the key technologies required for low-energy distributed microsensors. These include power aware computation/communication component technology, low-energy signaling and networking, system partitioning considering computation and communication trade-offs, and a power aware software infrastructure.



Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) offer longer life expectancy, higher tolerance to humidity, lower power consumption and generate less heat than incandescent lights. They are incorporated in message display boards, signal devices and other illumination systems. When fitted with the appropriate electronics, LEDs become semiconductor devices capable of fast switching. Visible light emitted by LEDs can be modulated and encoded with audio information for broadcasting, making LEDs part of a wireless optical communication system.

This article describes simultaneous use of visible LEDs for signaling and communication called iLIGHT, offers new and interesting applications in traffic light and indoor applications.

Surface analyzers using Laser


The accurate characterization of surface texture has become increasingly important in the semiconductor, data storage, automotive and biomedical industries. Surface texture is a key factor affecting the function and reliability of a component. Its measurement and analysis can prove to be an excellent diagnostic tool for monitoring the process that produced the surface in question. Stylus measurements are widely used for surface roughness, but they lack lateral resolution due to the tip geometry. They also may cause surface damage due to high forces exerted on the surface. Characterization of surfaces using light scattering systems has several advantages over traditional stylus profiling techniques. Optical profilers offer quick measurement of surface features without surface contact. The precision and repeatability of today’s surface profiling instruments, along with extensive analysis software, enable the area of divergence from acceptable manufacturing norms for surface texture to be pinpointed.



In the weird world of mechanics the fundamental particle electron possesses a property called ‘spin’. By exploiting this spin property, in a field called spintronics, computer scientists and physicists have the potential to revolutionize the basis of computer processing and storage technologies. Spintronic devices are smaller ,more versatile, and more robust than those currently making up silicon chips circuit elements.

This paper contains an overview of spintronic technology, its application in semiconductor technology, in memory and in sensors. It also contains a comparison between spintronic devices and electronic devices .As conclusion the paper contain the scope of spintronic technology

The PCI Express Architecture


Today, computing industry is demanding for improved performance in terms of faster data transfer and increased processing speeds. As the demand for richer application content continues to scale, so must the hardware and processing required to support it. Introduction of high performance processors and high speed memory, have alleviated the bottlenecks in the field to a certain extent. But the I/O interconnect and graphics platform remains the same with PCI and AGP, whose further enhancement introduce complexity and increased cost. Thus a new generation I/O interconnect is essential. The PCI Express TM (Formerly 3GIO) is the next generation chip-to-chip and chip-to-adaptor interconnect with improved bandwidth and low latency. PCI Express provides a scalable, high speed, point-to-point serial I/O bus that maintains backward compatibility with PCI applications and drivers. PCI Express is a breakthrough for server, desktop and notebook platforms and has significant positive impacts for networking. It offers high bandwidth with lower pin counts and allows additional scaling in performance. With its increased performance and scalability, it seems inevitable that PCI Express I/O system will be the basis for computers for many years to come.

Solar Compass Chip


A solar compass chip is a photosensitive chip with MEMS based optics integrated on the chip itself. The MEMS based optics enables the chip to image the Sun. Image processing of the Sun image is performed externally (typically a processor connected to the solar compass chip). The Sun is observed for a period of time, say half an hour and the angles to the Sun are calculated. During that period of time the Sun will slew across the sky due to the sidereal rate. A circle on the surface of a sphere can be fitted to the arc on the sky that the Sun traverses. The center of this circle is the rotation axis of the Earth. Besides performing the function of a compass, the solar compass chip can be combined with a clock to establish a 3 axis inertial based coordinate system or if the vertical is known, it is able to determine the geographic position. A number of commercial applications in the automotive, agricultural and maritime areas are identified.



This paper provides an introduction to silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology and the operating principles of high-voltage SOI devices, reviews the performance of the available SOI switching devices in comparison with standard silicon devices, discusses the reasoning behind the use of SOI technology in power applications and covers the most advanced novel power SOI devices proposed to date. The impact of SOI technology on power integrated circuits (PICs) and the problems associated with the integration of high-voltage and low-voltage CMOS are also analyzed.



The Remote Media Immersion (RMI) system is the result of a unique blend of multiple cutting-edge media technologies to create the ultimate digital media delivery platform.

The main goal is to provide an immersive user experience of the highest quality. RMI encompasses all end-to-end aspects from media acquisition, storage, transmission up to their final rendering. Specifically, the Yima streaming media server delivers multiple high bandwidth streams, transmission error and flow control protocols ensure data integrity, and high-definition video combined with immersive audio provide highest quality rendering. The RMI system is operational and has been successfully demonstrated in small and large venues. Relying on the continued advances in electronics integration and residential broadband improvement, RMI demonstrates the future of on demand home entertainment.

SLBCC - With application to secure Communication


To most people, the word “Chaos” paints a picture of complete confusion, a lack of order and rules. But for Scientists and Engineers Chaos may be paving the way to better telecommunications, a better view of the cosmos and life saving medical procedures. Chaotic systems provide a rich mechanism for signal design and generation with potential application to communications and signal processing.

Chaos is a typical behaviour of nonlinear dynamic systems, by which we mean an irregular seemingly random change in time or motion, which is complex to predict with precision in the long run. Chaos arises as a result of sensitive dependence on initial conditions and dependence on system parameters in any nonlinear system. A chaotic system seems to be random useless it is recognized as chaotic .All the physical laws governing the chaotic motion are perfectly deterministic.

I am focusing to the area where principles and ideas from chaos science are applied to implement a secure communication channel between Transmitter and Receiver. Because chaotic signals are typically broadband noise like and difficult to predict, they can be used in various context for masking information bearing wave form.

Using the concept Synchronized Chaotic System (SCS) - a secure communication scheme is demonstrated. Chaotic Lorenz Systems are used as chaotic generators in both Transmitter and Receiver and perfect synchronization is achieved between them. In this approach, a chaotic masking signal is added at the transmitter to the message signal and at the receiver; the masking signal is regenerated and subtracted from the received signal. The paper will be describing

Þ A circuit implementation of the chaotic Lorenz system.

Þ The chaotic behavior of the circuit closely matching the results predicted by numerical experiments.

Þ Various MATLAB simulations of chaotic system behaviour.

Þ VLSI implementation techniques of the chaotic cryptosystems.

The Utility Fog


The utility fog is a very simple extension of Nanotechnology. Suppose, instead of building the object you want atom by atom, the tiny robots linked their arms together to form a solid mass in the shape of the object you wanted. Then, when you got tired of that avant-garde coffee table, the robots could simply shift around a little and you’d have an elegant Queen Anne piece instead.

Spectrum Pooling


Public mobile radio spectrum is a scarce resource while wide spectral ranges are only rarely used. Here, we consider a new strategy called Spectrum Pooling enabling public access to these new spectral ranges without sacrificing the transmission quality of the actual license owners.

By temporarily leasing their spectrum during idle periods the license owners could tap new sources of revenue. We favor a modified wireless LAN as rental system. Especially OFDM based WLANs like IEEE802.11a and HIPERLAN/2 are suitable for an overlay system like spectrum pooling as they allow a very flexible frequency management on a carrier-by-carrier basis. The modifications of these standards comprise many areas of the physical and MAC layer. Idle frequency subbands can be detected by spectral power measurements conducted in each single participating mobile terminal. Hence, the volume of measurement data can become very high. Signaling this overhead in ordinary data frames would leave only few resources left for useful data and would be very error-prone. Here we show that the signaling of spectral resources can be performed in the physical layer that has been harmonized for both considered standards. The basic idea is the superposition of emitted radio power for the signaling instead of creating new higher layer frames for the measured data.

Shallow Water Acoustic Networks


Underwater acoustic networks are generally formed by acoustically connected ocean bottom sensor notes, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and surface stations that serves as gateways and provide radio communication links to onshore stations. The quality of service of such networks is limited by the low bandwidth of acoustic transmission channels, high latency resulting from the slow propagation of sound and elevated noise levels in some environments. The long term goal in the design of underwater acoustic networks is to provide for a self-configuring network for distributed nodes with network links that automatically adapt to the environment through selection of optimum system parameters. This article considers several aspects in the design of shallow water acoustic networks that maximize throughput and reliability while minimizing power consumption.

Razor Technology


Voltage scaling has emerged as a powerful technology for addressing the power challenges that current on-chip densities pose. Razor is a voltage-scaling technology based on dynamic detection and correction of circuit timing errors.

Razor permits design optimizations that tune the energy in a microprocessor pipeline to typical circuit operational-levels. This eliminates the voltage margins that traditional worst-case design methodologies require and lets digital systems to correctly and robustly work at the edge of minimum power consumption. Occasional heavyweight computations may fail and require additional time and energy for recovery, but the optimized pipeline require significantly less energy overall than traditional designs.

Radar Based Sensor


Radar offers advantages as a robotic perception modality because it is not as vulnerable to vacuum, dust, fog, rain, snow and light conditions found in construction, mining, agricultural and planetary–exploration environments. Radar has significant echo signal-to-noise variations between observations as well as large footprint, side lobes, specularity effects and limited range resolution-all of which result in poor environment maps. Evidence grids are flexible and powerful probabilistic method for fusing multiple sensor observations.

This paper presents the development of a radar sensor model, which can fuse amplitude-vector sensor data into an evidence grid. A study of radar phenomena and FMCW signal processing suggests rules for signal interpretation. The sensor model uses these interpretation rules and captures the volumetric beam geometry. The results include a three dimensional map of an out door scene. This work is a step towards building high fidelity maps to be used in mobile robot navigation, obstacle avoidance and tool deployment under all visibility conditions.

Quantum Teleportation


Teleportation is the name given by the science fiction writers to the feat of making an object or person disintegrate in one place while the exact replica appears somewhere else. How this is accomplished is usually not explained in detail, but the general idea seems to be that the original object is scanned in such a way as to extract all the information from it, then this information is transmitted to the receiving location and used to construct the replica, not necessarily from the actual material of the original, but perhaps from atoms of same kinds, arranged in exactly the same pattern as the original. A teleportation machine would like a fax machine, except that it would work on both 3-dimensional objects as well as documents, it would produce an exact copy rather than approximate facsimile, and it would destroy the original in the process of scanning it. A few science fiction writers consider teleporters that preserve the original, and the plot gets complicated when the original and teleported versions of same person meet; but the more common kind of teleporter destroys the original, functioning as a super transportation device, not as a perfect replicator of souls and bodies.

Quantum Encryption


Traditional cryptographic solutions have relied upon computationally intensive algorithms to encrypt information. But faster processors, new algorithms and specialized hardware have made these techniques susceptible to compromise, forcing classical encryption to evolve in order to ensure security. This is where quantum encryption comes in. The principle of quantum encryption is to pack and transmit information is subatomic dynamics and to assume that an eavesdropper trying to capture the message, would necessarily corrupt it and render it unreadable. Its based on Heisenberg Principle which asserts that at subatomic reality, the act of taking a measurement necessarily impacts the measured quantity, and thus measuring that quantity as it was without the act of measurement is in no way possible. The keys generated and disseminated using quantum cryptography are proved to be absolutely random and secure based on the laws of quantum mechanics, not upon the assumed security of complex mathematical algorithms. By sending the key encoded at the single-photon level on a photon-by-photon basis, quantum mechanics guarantees that the act of an eavesdropper intercepting a photon, even just to observe or read, will irretrievably change the information encoded on that photon. Therefore, the eavesdropper can neither copy nor clone a photon or read the information encoded on the photon without modifying it, a process that is provably detectable.

Programmable logic to accelerate dsp function


Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) have become a competitive alternative for high performance DSP applications with computationally intensive functions, previously dominated by general purpose DSP and ASIC devices. In some applications, DSP processors are replaced entirely. While in others, programmable logic works in con-junction with the DSP processor, offloading the computationally-intensive function and freeing the processor for other functions. The benefits of using an FPGA as a DSP Co-processor, as well as, a stand-alone DSP Engine are many. It combines the flexibility of a general-purpose DSP plus the speed, density, and low cost of an ASIC implementation. FPGA gives increased system performance at reduced system cost.



Today most of electronics circuits are integrated circuits/semiconductor chips fabricated out of silicon. There are some institutions comes out with plastic circuits that are used as the electronic circuits. This field of electronics is termed as ‘polytronics ’. We think of plastics more as ‘insulators’ rather than electricity conducting materials. But of late, research institutes have come up with innovative ideas to integrate plastics into main stream electronics as it has been established that certain plastics have typical conductive and light emitting properties. The chemical composition of these plastics or conjugated polymers is changed by dopping to make them conducting .examples for such polymers are polythiophenes; oligothiophenes and pentacene have shown conductive properties.

Recent development in polytronics is plastic light emitting diode called ‘POLY LED’. Poly leds are widely used in displays which would replace the currently used cathode ray tube and liquid crystal display screens. The advantages of this display is that it consume less power ,thin, light weight ,allow wider viewing angle, can be read in bright sunlight. Basically PLEDs are emissive displays, i.e. these create light and don’t need a separate back light to provide light for the image



A Fuse is a one-time over-current protection device employing a fusible link that melts after the current exceeds a certain level for a certain length of time. Typically, a wire or chemical compound breaks the circuit when the current exceeds the rated value.

Polyfuse is a resettable fuse that doesn’t need to be replaced like the conventional fuse. Resettable fuses provide over-current protection and automatic restoration. Fuses work between life and death of a circuitry. Choosing the right fuse is important for prolonged protection of the circuitry from over-current and voltage spikes. Conventional fuse is either ‘ok’ or ‘blown,’ but polyfuse is a resettable fuse by itself.

Plug and play sensors


Plug and play is a data acquisition technology that can simplify the configuration of automated measuring systems by making a sensor’s unique identification data available electronically. As implemented according to IEEE P1451.4, data in the form of a transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) is burned on an electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) chip located on the sensor, so when a properly adapted signal conditioner interrogates the sensor, it can interpret the self-identification data. This technology provides a great benefit by eliminating the need for paper calibration sheets. In addition, it can simplify labeling and cabling problems, as well as inventory control issues, by letting you burn location data onto the chip when installing a sensor. And because all sensors produced according to the standard will carry the same basic identically formatted self-identification information, you will be able to mix and match sensors and applicable signal conditioners across manufacturers.

PEA System


This report introduces new space charge measurement systems developed in Japan using pulse-electro acoustic (PEA) method. The methods include 2 types of 3D systems, 2 types of transient systems for extremely high & low temperatures, a small PEA unit for a portable system, & a mountable PEA unit that can be applied to another facility such as vaccum chamber. These new PEA systems expand the applicable research field.

PDA With Wireless Capability


HMI software like Personal Digital Assistant or PDA in conjunction with a wireless link to relevant information helps human decision makers zero in on the critical subsystem that needs their attention so they can take action. We can gain remote access to critical information, which we can save for later analysis, over a cellular network or the Internet and personnel can figure out what to do. The operator does not need to carry any cables and can upload and download configurations and perform diagnostics using a PDA that fits in a shirt pocket.

Offshore Oilrig Safety Using PLC


Oil production is a fiercely competitive business. Because oil deposits are finite resources, the leased area becomes quickly and densely populated with drilling platforms and production, including pumping and transporting operations. To maximize productivity of each oil platform, all aspects of production involving monitoring and control of repetitive function need to automate.

Operating an oil and gas extraction facility offshore presents a list of difficulties. The marine environment is highly corrosive, meaning any platform erected will require intensive maintenance and upkeep platform are typically located in 150 to 350 feet of water, up to 10 miles offshore. The platforms usually must drill several thousand feet below the ocean floor to reach oil and gas deposits. When high seas and heavy winds or hurricanes approach a platform, crew must evacuate to prevent injury or loss of life. To future this end, labor-intensive, repetitive tasks such as opening and closing valves, monitoring levels etc must be automated.

The obvious benefits are to reduce cost and ensure timely completion of tasks. The programmable logic controller (PLC) serves extensively to continuously monitor and handle routine operations. The PLC allows valve status; fluid levels, and also allows a platform to shutdown during emergency and thus avoids damage to the equipments. Thus PLC's are widely used in oilrigs.

Nuclear Microbatteries


Nuclear batteries harvest energy from radioactive specks and supply power to micro electromechanical systems (MEMS). This paper describes the viability of nuclear batteries for powering realistic MEMS devices. Nuclear batteries are not nuclear reactors in miniatures, but the energy comes from high-energy particles spontaneously emitted by radioactive elements. Isotopes currently being used include alpha and low energy beta emitters. Gama emitters have not been considered because they would require a substantial amount of shielding. The sources are available in both soil and liquid form.

Several approaches are being explored for the production of MEMS power sources. The first one is a junction type battery. The second concept involves a more effective use of the charged particles produced by the decay: the creation of a resonator by inducing movement due to attraction or repulsion from the collection of charge particles.

MMO System For Wireless Communication


Wireless–system designers are faced with numerous challenges, including the limited availability of radio frequency spectrum and transmission caused by such factors as fading and multipath distortion.

Meanwhile, there is increasing demand for higher data rates, better quality service, fewer dropped calls, and higher network capacity. Meeting these requires new techniques that improve the spectral efficiency and network links’ operational reliability.

Multiple input-multiple output technology promises a cost effective way to provide these capabilities.MIMO uses antenna arrays at both the transmitter and receiver. But MIMO send data, over these multiple paths, there by increasing the amount of information the system carries. The data is received by multiple antennas are recombined properly by other MIMO algorithms.

Microelectronic pill


A “Microelectronic pill” is a basically a multichannel sensor used for remote biomedical measurements using micro technology. This has been developed for the internal study and detection of diseases and abnormalities in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract where restricted access prevents the use of traditional endoscope. The measurement parameters for detection include real – time remote recording of temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in the GI tract.

This paper deals with the design of the “Microelectronic pill” which mainly consists of an outer biocompatible capsule encasing 4–channel micro sensors, a control chip, a discrete component radio transmitter and 2 silver oxide cells.

Metamorphic Robots


Metamorphic robots with shape changing capabilities provide a powerful and flexible approach to complex tasks in space exploration. Such robots can autonomously and intelligently reconfigure their shape and size to accomplish missions that are difficult or impossible for robots with fixed shapes and configurations. In this paper we outline the vision of metamorphic robots for various tasks and discuss various technologies for making this vision possible. We also present approaches and evaluation criteria for robot/human interactions and discuss the significance and implications of this new concept and technology.

Metamorphic robots are robots that can self-reconfigure their own shape, size and configuration inorder to accomplish complex tasks in dynamic and uncertain environments. These systems claim to have many desirable properties including versatility, robustness and low cost. Each module has its own computer, a rich set of sensors, actuators and communication networks. However, the practical application outside of research has yet to be seen. One outstanding issue for such system is the increasing complexity for effectively programming a large distributed system with hundreds or even thousands of nodes in changing configuration. POLYBOT has been developed as its third generation.

Low Power wireless Load monitoring System


The efficacy of brace treatment for children with abnormal spinal curvature has been hampered by the lack of comprehensive information about wear characteristics. A battery-powered microcomputer system was developed to mon­itor loads exerted by braces used to treat children with spinal deformities. The system can be used by patients to ensure that the brace is being worn as prescribed, by clinicians to provide a record of how well the brace has been used, and by researchers to investigate brace mechanics. Data acquisition is controlled by a microcontroller and can be sampled with intervals ranging from 1 s to 1 h. In a preliminary study; a subject volunteered to test the system for 1 day. The load level was recorded as 1.20± 0.01 N when the subject was standing normally. The average force for the test day was 1.52±0.75 N. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the' approach, helps' patients' better wear their braces and increases our understanding of brace mechanics.

Grating Light Valve Display Technology


The Grating Light Value (GLV) technology is a micromechanical phase grating. By providing controlled diffraction of incident light, a GLV device will produce bright or dark pixels in a display system. With pulse width modulation, a GLV device will produce precise gray-scale or color variations. Built using micro electromechanical system (MEMS) technology, and designed to be manufactured using mainstream IC fabrication technology, the GLV device can be made both small and inexpensively. A variety of display system can be built using GLV technology each benefiting from the high contrast ratio, and brightness or this technology. In addition, GLV technology can provide high resolution, low power consumption, and digital gray-scale and color reproduction.



A new generation of couplers conquers noise with high speed and multiple channels.

Sensing is only half the battle in industrial control systems. Getting the sensor data where they need to go is the other half. The data path can be strewn with ground loops, noise, temperature extremes, and speed bottlenecks. For years, optical couplers were the only option. Although revolutionary when they arrived on the scene a generation ago, optocouplers have failed to keep pace with advances in industrial networks and sensor technology, leaving many designers frustrated by their bulk, slow speed, high power consumption, and limited temperature range. But in the past year, the introduction of a new generation of solid-state couplers—magnetic couplers—has been overcoming many of these limitations.

Intrinsic Safety


Intrinsic safety prevents instruments and low voltage circuits in hazardous areas from releasing sufficient energy to ignite volatile gases. The excess electrical energy in the form of voltage and current is limited by inserting energy-limiting devices, known as intrinsically safe barriers, in the circuits. To properly select the correct barrier the field device must be known. These field devices are classified as either simple (non-energy storing) or complex that can store energy. Complex devices must be tested and approved by a third party to be used in intrinsically safe circuits. The entity parameters of approved devices are then compared to the proper safety parameters of the barrier to ensure an intrinsically safe circuit

IBOC Technology for Digital Radio


Digital television signals are now routinely received over cable and satellite systems, whereas reception of digital radio broadcasts is still fairly uncommon.So let’s see how IBOC system for digital radio delivers CD-quality audio and data services on the existing AM and FM bands.

IBOC stands for In-Band-On-Channel technology and it was developed when the US decided not to adopt the other existing digital technologies in the world. To date, over 100 radio stations in the US have already purchased IBOC transmission systems, and many receivers have been introduced for it.

Digital radio, also called digital audio broadcasting (DAB), is transmission and reception of radio signals in the digital domain, and some of its benefits are as follows: -

1. High-quality audio

2. Wireless data services displayed on radio (artist and song title, traffic and whether alerts and more).

3. Rugged, reliable delivery to fixed, portable and mobile receivers for interference-free reception.

4. Efficient use of the limited radio frequency spectrum available.

5. Easy-to-use receivers.



The volume of IP (internet protocol) traffic has already exceeded that for circuit- switched traffic in most fixed networks. The same change will happen in mobile networks as new IP-based mobile services, such as video news bulletins, downloading music or checking bus arrivals, become available and are used by more people in their daily communications. Delivery of digital content over mobile networks, as well as IP based person-to-person communication that combine different media and services into a single session will generate additional traffic and revenue. The volume of data bits used in communication will grow faster than revenue, driving operators to optimize their networks to support the dominant traffic type. While downlink optimization is enough for content-to-person IP-based services require uplink optimization as well. Two key technologies, HSDPA (high speed downlink packet access) and HSUPA (high speed uplink packet access), offer breakthrough in high data speeds.

HART Communication System


One of the problems of instrumentation systems is the interconnection between the multiple devices with different protocols. Minimizing the cabling cost and avoid degradation of the signal during transmission are the two typical requirements of the interconnection. Another problem in the field of manufacturing is instrumentation networks with different communication protocols. This seminar presents the development of a HART communication prototype for instrumentation networks.



With increasing demand for high precision autonomous control over wide operating envelopes, conventional control engineering approaches are unable to adequately deal with system complexity, nonlinearities, spatial and temporal parameter variations, and with uncertainty. Intelligent Control or self-organizing/learning control is a new emerging discipline that is designed to deal with problems. Rather than being model based, it is experiential based. This paper explores the subject with focus on the design and analysis of biological and industrial applications.

Intelligent Control is the amalgam of the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence, Systems Theory and Operations Research. It uses most recent experiences or evidence to improve its performance through a variety of learning schemas, that for practical implementation must demonstrate rapid learning convergence, be temporally stable, be robust to parameter changes and internal and external disturbances. It is shown in this paper that a wide class of fuzzy logic and neural net based learning algorithms satisfy these conditions. It is demonstrated that this class of intelligent controllers is based upon a fixed nonlinear mapping of the input (sensor) vector, followed by an output layer linear mapping with coefficients that are updated by various first order learning laws. Under these conditions self-organising fuzzy logic controllers and neural net controllers have common learning attributes.



Ferroelectric memory is a new type of semiconductor memory, which exhibit short programming time, low power consumption and nonvolatile memory, making highly suitable for application like contact less smart card, digital cameras which demands many memory write operations.

A ferroelectric memory technology consists of a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology with added layers on top for ferroelectric capacitors. A ferroelectric memory cell has at least one ferroelectric capacitor to store the binary data, and one transistor that provide access to the capacitor or amplify its content for a read operation. Once a cell is accessed for a read operation, its data are presented in the form of an analog signal to a sense amplifier, where they are compared against a reference voltage to determine their logic level.

Ferroelectric memories have borrowed many circuit techniques (such as folded-bitline architecture) from DRAM’s due to similarities of their cells and DRAM’s maturity. Some architectures are reviewed here.



During the development of semi-conductor technology there were also tremendous developments in its associated fields mainly in the field of the Programmable Logic Devices especially in the field of Field Programmable Logic Devices (FPGA). One of the reasons for the development of FPGA was its greater flexibility of operation. But it had many disadvantages mainly during its operation in the Outer Space. In this paper we are going to analyze various affects on FPGAs that will come across during its operation in the outer space & various techniques to minimize those effects. In the last part of this paper we will discuss one of the important application of the FPGA in the satellites. The application of FPGA in the field of High Performance Computing is also discussed in this section there by enhancing its operation.

Embedded System Security


The growing number of instances of breaches in information security in the last few years has created a compelling case for efforts towards secure electronic systems. Embedded systems, which will be ubiquitously used to capture, store, manipulate, and access data of a sensitive nature, pose several unique and interesting security challenges. From cars to cell phones, video equipment to MP3 players, and dishwashers to home thermostats—embedded computers increasingly permeate our lives. Many special purpose embedded systems are used in military and other critical applications. Embedded systems present a significant new security concern, which must be addressed immediately and systematically. This paper examines several significant embedded systems security concerns, and some possible outline recommended courses of remedial action.



EDGE is an enhancement to the GSM mobile cellular phone system. It is a step towards the evolution of 3G networks. The name EDGE stands for Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution. When applied to GSM/GPRS networks, EDGE dramatically increases data throughputs, as well as network capacity. EDGE provides three times the data capacity of GPRS. Using EDGE, operators can handle three times more subscribers than GPRS, triple their data rate per subscriber, or add extra capacity to their voice communications. EDGE uses the same TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) frame structure, logic channel and 200 kHz carrier bandwidth as today's GSM networks, which allows existing cell plans to remain intact. But it uses a new modulation scheme, 8-PSK. In this seminar an overview of the EDGE technology, the modulation scheme and its applications will be discussed.

Dynamic RAM Chip


Dynamic random access memories (DRAMs) are the simplest and hence the smallest, of all semiconductors memories, containing only one transistor and one capacitor per cell. For that reason they are the most widely used memory type wherever high density storage is needed, most obviously as the main memory in all types of computers. Static RAMs are faster; by their much larger cell size (which holds up to six transistors) keeps their densities one generation behind those that DRAMs can offer.